The times of being able to get together with
people who love to create, are some of the most
fun times for me. We learn from each other and laugh a lot!
Two amazing girls that I have the privilege of knowing and creating with are Hannah and Erin.
For two days this week, I've had a painting day at my art studio....and we've had a blast!!
Hannah brought us handmade wooden boards to paint on. Mine already had a great textured foundation, so making it come alive with my touch, was pretty quick and easy.
This is the piece she finished on that Saturday afternoon. She tried some new texture ideas for the foamy sea, and it came out very nice. What I love about this piece, are the billowing clouds, the choppy sea, yet the boat is calm.... "Even in the storm, I am with you" is what comes to mind.
Hannah brought us handmade wooden boards to paint on. Mine already had a great textured foundation, so making it come alive with my touch, was pretty quick and easy.
This is the piece I did, and I must say...came out pretty cool!! I named it "Great South Bay" which is where I grew up, and I just can't seem to get away from the sea, again.
This piece also, really should have Hannah's signature on it as she gave me some great ideas and stretched me in certain areas.
Sharing each other's gems are so nice. Hannah brought some great colors which ended up on my piece. (It's always nice to share with the class)
And here are "My Girl's!"
Hannah, who is an awesome teen-aged friend of mine, inspires me beyond measure. Her talent is immense and she has no fear or inhibitions, so her work is beautiful and free. I think that's what draws me the most to her work. She opens up my mind and brush to new things. When I grow up, I want to be just like her.
This is the piece she finished on that Saturday afternoon. She tried some new texture ideas for the foamy sea, and it came out very nice. What I love about this piece, are the billowing clouds, the choppy sea, yet the boat is calm.... "Even in the storm, I am with you" is what comes to mind.
I can't wait to paint with you again!!
I met Erin a few summer's ago at our church camp. She quickly became our daughter's best friend, and a very special part of our family and thus, my friend too!! She and I painted together for two days this past week, one of the days, her just getting her feet wet with this whole world of mixed media art. She pencil draws beautifully, so she wanted to incorporate that into her piece. After getting her elephant done, I showed her my techniques for creating a unique piece of art...and what emerged was absolutely beautiful and she was hooked!!
I love being with like minded people, and one's who love to do the same thing as I do. I love the laughter that fills my home when we get together, the seeds of creating that get planted and grow, and the satisfaction of a thought or idea, that when put down on the board, comes out really good. But probably the main one is the joy that is felt when you stand back and say "Oh, I love how that came out!!" There's not much else that is that satisfying!
I can't wait until we have another Creating Day and get our hands all messy....for it really is so wonderfully fun!!!
Check out Hannah's new blog by visiting the following link!
Check out Hannah's new blog by visiting the following link!