Wednesday, November 30, 2016

My First BIG Thing!

It's been a few weeks since my solo art show at Old Town Public House.  I was overwhelmed my the many people that came out to see my work.  Something for me that was definitely a Be Bold and Courageous moment, besides sharing my art with the world, was giving a 15 minute speech about my journey as an artist.  But I did it!!!

Since then, it's been a busy time...Thanksgiving with all my wonderful family, enjoying fall in all it's glory, traveling some, and working on a couple of commission pieces.    Here's a few pics from that awesome night...more will follow when I get them back from my photographer.

ALL my work for the 
passed year ready 
for hanging at OTPH!!
(on the wall is a work in progress) 

At my install.  
Needless to say...I am THRILLED!

Wednesday, November 2
That's me!

What a sweet night.  I was beyond happy to have my dearest people there that night...
so many friends and family.  

Pictured in the background are my mom, our long time and best friends Scott and Amy, 
and my wonderful and always supportive husband Dean.   

...and my speech.  
My theme for this year as my dear friend Sandra spoke over me.

"Geraniums Were Her Favorite"
"In the little red house
by the big vast sea,
They grew, and she loved
Forever in my heart"

Where would I be with out you?
Two of my very best.
Sandra and Karen.
I love you immensely.

Our wonderful friends 
Paul and Rena'.
Thank you for supporting me 
and loving The Cottons.


thank you Old Town Public House for loving my work and hosting this special night.
I love you guys!
I am most appreciative for Melissa who is one of my biggest fans, 
arranged all the food, and encourages my heart in what I do.  

It's not the end...
only the beginning.

Until next time


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

It's a New Season

"Welcome Back Jen", I tell myself, then, "Hello to a NEW SEASON"!  

What an amazingly busy, hectic and life rearranging time we've gone through these passed few months.  My emergency surgery, packing up our house, getting our log home back from tenants after 8 years being then doing massive clean up and fixing of that home, to then, moving in and all that entails.  Whew...trying to create during all that was scant to say the least. Now we're in and mainly settled, even though we're still a bit tired from all that craziness and there is still much to be done to this house...we're happy, so happy!!

One of my biggest and long time desires was to have my own art studio.  Painting in a small dining room in the middle of our house was probably the worst place for me, as I'm not the neatest person when I create, and I never felt the freedom to do what was really in my heart...and I love freedom! So, with us moving back to this bigger home, I was given such a massive gift...

I was given the gift of my
very own art studio

When we lived in this amazing house years ago, we turned half of the garage into an office for my husband.  Since coming back, we tore out the carpet so I can get as messy as I want and NOT WORRY one small bit about it.  This is simply wonderful for a artist like myself, as paint usually goes flying when I randomly throw it most on my pieces.  

This is the first piece I started since being in my new space, which is still a work in progress.

It seems that what is coming out of me right now, are abstract landscapes and flowers, something I swore I'd never paint.  But they are flowing out of me pretty easily.  Nature and all it holds with it's beautiful colors, lay of the land, creation itself, are giving me inspiration to put paint to board and let all that God has made, come to life in my own unique way.

Keeping it real 
and remembering WHY I do what I do

I'd love to be a world renowned artist, selling my pieces for high amounts.  I can dream right?!?  But God recently reminded me of one main reason why I create. 

This blogs name, Borders Be Gone Art, came about at the beginning of my painting journey.  I felt led to help others GO OUT to minister to people in a variety of ways, thus the subtitle "Create. Give. Go Love." To accomplish that, one main way was to donate a piece to be either sold or auctioned off.  This mission has been quiet for a while, not that I purposely put it on a shelf, but the opportunity hasn't been there really. 

Fast forward to now.  I was asked to showcase my art at a local establishment for an extended time. I WAS ECSTATIC!  I've never done anything this big and was so honored that my work spoke in a way that it was actually loved and WANTED.  So during this hugely busy and stressful time in our life, I was needing to paint and get ready for this huge endeavor.  Coming up with at least 12 pieces seemed like a mountain with all that was going on with me.

Then...I was asked if I would be willing to donate a piece in the midst of all this.  At first, my initial reaction was NO WAY as I needed all the pieces I had for this BIG EVENT coming.  My philosophy has always been to not add stress to my life so why would I give away one of the pieces I so desperately needed?? I mean, come on...really??

My husband gently reminded me of one of the reasons WHY I create, to help...TO HELP OTHERS. Wow, was ever I humbled and so very grateful that I was brought back to this realization and now, is  keeping me focused on one of the main reasons I have this gift.

Then God spoke, I love when He does.  He said that He'd bless my work because of my willingness to do that thing that I originally set out to do years ago.  Promises being fulfilled.  These words brought peace, knowing I'd have enough, kind of like when Jesus blessed the loaves and fishes.  There's always enough, and then some.   

Mina Blommor &
  Mina Blommor 2  
(In Swedish~My Flowers)

The piece on the left is one that I am donating to the silent auction that will benefit Make your Mark, a wonderful organization what helps children around the US and abroad.  The roaring '20's gala is this Saturday in Charlotte and should be so much fun! The link for Make your Mark is below if you're interested in finding out more!

I'll definitely post a picture of the the person who ends up with my version of flowers, 
1920's apparel and all!

I'm so very grateful for this moment in my life. Time, space, the ability...they've all been given to me to explore and dive into this avenue of creating that God has awarded me. 
I feel very blessed, to say the least. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

“A world where every child has the opportunity to grow in a loving family environment”