Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Sea Decree

When I am by the sea, something arises in me that was birthed and embedded in my being from the very beginning of my life. I grew up on the water, the Great South Bay being my front yard. Seeing the morning sun shimmer like diamonds on gentle waves, smelling the salty air, fishing off my jetty and catching buckets full of blue crabs, this was my life. Maybe it's also a part of me, not only for those facts, but because that is where my family was; my foundation, my safety and protection from the stormy waves of life. I had 'little girl joy' during those years spent by the sea. I was carefree. I was loved. I was home. My deep desire, love, and longing for the sea is still so strong at times, it almost hurts. It is powerful, and my art seems to draw that passion for the sea out of me. I hope each piece I create lets you also experience, in some small way, what is in my heart.

This piece is called Sea Decree III. I am in love with the how the creator of these words so beautifully captures the calming effect the sea has on the soul. It spoke volumes to me, so much in fact, that I have incorporated this writing in various pieces.

"When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused." R.M. Rilke

Sea Decree III
Bees wax, latex, paper and pencil
on a very cool old, wooden box
Not sure I want to sell this one yet.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Taking it to the Streets

Every 1st and 3rd Friday nights, in the artsy district of Charlotte, NC known as NoDa, you'll find a gathering of folk ready for a good meal, hitting up the delicious coffee shop, out to hear their favorite band, and those who have come out to browse the many local artist's tables which are set up along the street. My daughter-in-law Sarah, my son Chris (who helped carry, set up and made us laugh most of the night!!), and I decided to take our works of art and participate!!

We had so much fun, one just being together, but also meeting such an array of wonderful people who would stop to say hi and see what we were selling. The night was chilly, but our spirits were high as we got such a wonderful response of love for our art. Sarah is the co-owner of Solomon's Song, where she makes 'soft jewelry'. They really touch people's hearts with not only their beauty, but with the individual messages attached to each one. I brought a variety of different things; my paintings, vintage button bracelets, and a few other diddies that I came up with. We both sold some, not a lot like we hoped, but the time we spent together was a blast, and the people we met made it all worth it (not to mention the most absolutely, delicious fish and shrimp tacos we had from Cabo Fish Taco!!)

One reason I do art is to shine light in a dark world,
and to share 'love' in a unique way.
We did get to share that love in NoDa...and hope to on many other Friday nights to come!!

Here's a few new pieces I did which I brought along with me.
I hope you like them!!

"Spring is in the Air"
16x13 on a handmade Poplar wood panel frame

I really wanted to do another watercolor of birds, and loved the way one other one I did came out. It is very similar, but on this one, I painted some cute little, different birds. I can't seem to get away from little feather friends!!

This group of paintings are done with beautiful vintage greeting card prints of birds which my mom gave me, that I wanted to put on some nice wood. I chose a piece of Poplar and had it cut into 3 8x8 pieces for this set. I also can't seem to get away from using my old Underwood typewriter, so the verses on each one are done with that. I chose Pslam 23, 91 and 136,
which are dear to my heart.

Here is an up close picture of one of the 8x8 vintage bird pictures. I really wanted the wood grain to show through, so I took the minimal approach on these. Simple, yet full of hope with the scriptures...and just a splash of color.
They are $25 each and ready for hanging.