Thursday, February 7, 2013

Confessions of a Wood Hoarder

I'll admit it, I'm a wood hoarder.  Whew, felt good to get that off my chest!!
I am forever picking up old scraps of wood.
I believe my husband thinks I'm nuts, but always knows what's hiding behind my back as I try to sneak into the car,  another piece of old wood, sometimes very dirty, 
in a garbage bin, or the best...washed ashore. 
My pile at home is growing, but I know that they will come to life 
at just the right time. 
Hmmm...I think there's a life lesson there.  Anyway....

For me, to bring a piece of wood to life that was ready for 
the fire pit months ago, is a thrill.
So for these little guys, I gave them some fresh paint, 
cute little flowers that were on an 
outdated calendar, and some wonderful bees wax.

 Simple Beauty

The one on the left was done on a piece of wood I found washed up after a big storm hit Carolina Beach.  I just loved the two holes, so I left them exposed,
 as well as the rusted nails at the bottom.  
The one to the right, was randomly found in a 
parking lot.  You'll never know where you'll find a gem,
     so keep your eyes open! (and again, another life lesson!!) 

I like how these pieces can stand alone on a shelf, or be hung on a wall. 
I saw ones done like this on a website, so I can't take all the credit for them,
but they made me so happy and I wanted to try this for myself, 
knowing that mine would take on my own style and feel.  

I love how they flow into each other with what seems like blue water against the gray sky, 
with a single flower standing strong in the middle of life.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Birds of a Feather

 Even though I live in the south, right now I'm so ready for this cold winter to be over!!  To hear those birds and feel the warmth on my skin again, that can't come any quicker for me. 
These four little happy birds, sitting on flower covered branches, just seemed appropriate for my longing of the springtime season! 

Action Shot.  
I just love my art, music-filled, coffee drinking room!  
Natural light is abundant with windows that line every square inch of wall. 
When we were looking at this house to buy, this room is what sold me.  It even came complete with counters that are old doors covered in glass.
This is the perfect room for me!!  

My Playground.
What fun it is to mix and play around with colors!!  It makes me feel like a kid again.
Here, I was trying to get the "just right brown" color for the base of the two pieces.

We love "Junk"
 I did these two pieces on a couple of old desk drawers that my mom found for me at The Habitat for Humanity.  She came to my house, loaded with a trunk of these dusty relics.  My husband thought she is off her rocker, but some of the craziest old things have turned into some wonderful works of art, and now it's confirmed that I get my wacky impulses and adventurous tenancies her.  (thanks mom!!)  

I love Diptic (for all you iPhone people, you know what I'm talking about) 
I didn't want to bore you with a bunch of huge pictures of all my stages what went into these pieces.  So, I Dipticed these:  The two, taped-off drawers before I started, the "delicious brownie batter" of a nicely textured foundation, and lastly, the finished background colors. 

The fun stuff.
  I sketched some branches and flowers, them painted them on, giving those boring backgrounds some LIFE.  I'm feeling the warmth starting to flood my room already!

Even though this photo is a bit fuzzy, I wanted to show that...
Who made up that rule anyway??
For me, sometimes the messier the better.

Furry friends to grace the branches .

This one is called "To The Core".
It represents love, experienced to the "very core" of one's self.

And this one....I named "Tawny Blue"
My grandmother's favorite color was blue, and for some reason, the two birds below
reminded me of my grandparents, and the devoted love they shared even
in the midst of some very trying times throughout their lives.   

I hope you enjoyed this blog entry...and are awating spring as eagerly as I am.

If you love these paintings, and could see them hanging on your walls, just send me a note
in the little comment space below!  They are approximately 16x19 in size, 
and made with lots of love. 

Much thanks and PEACE to you all....